Aisha's Legacy
Despite her unflinchingly cold performance, feminist critics praised the fact that she was not portrayed as a villain.
Predecessor: Agent Scully
Influenced by Aisha: Christina Yang
Despite her unflinchingly cold performance, feminist critics praised the fact that she was not portrayed as a villain.
Aisha, a CPA who had brown skin and black hair. Claiming not to know what her nationality is, she once said she might be Native American. Named her cats Credit and Debit. She appeared briefly towards the end of Season 30. Many fans say the show "jumped the shark" when she appeared, though feminist critics praised her cold, unsentimental performance.
Rich and Mike are my "friends." Jim is Mike's brother.
Andy is my stepfather. My mom met him on the beach and we moved, which "coincidentally" happened the same year Diff'rent Strokes moved from NBC to ABC.